The Nursery Day
The Nursery is organized into clearly defined areas and the children are able to choose an activity and move freely from one activity to another. The outdoor area is available for use by the children for much of the day. During each session, we come together as a group for story, singing or other activity. We regularly visit the school Hall and ICT Suite.
A healthy snack and a carton of milk is provided free of charge each day and drinking water is always available. We have facilities for children who need to rest in the afternoon.
Children who are staying at Nursery for the whole day, will need to bring a packed lunch with them in a lunch box clearly labelled with their name. Please do not include nuts or nut products in your child’s lunch. Water will be provided, but if you wish to send in a drink, please ensure that it is in a carton or plastic bottle.
Fizzy drinks are not permitted. If your child brings grapes to eat at Nursery, please ensure that they are cut into smallish pieces. Children who are entitled to Early Years Pupil Premium funding will be provided by the school kitchen with a packed lunch for every full day that they attend the Nursery if you wish. If you think your child may be eligible for this funding, please let us know. Your enquiry will, of course, be treated confidentially and with sensitivity.