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Our Mission, Vision and Values

School Mission

Our mission is to serve the local community – families of all faiths and those with no faith at all – by providing an outstanding education.

Our purpose is to achieve this mission by keeping our children and families at the heart of everything we do. Our current development priorities focus on taking the school from good to outstanding – it is by doing this that we will maximise life in abundance so that everyone flourishes.

School Vision

Our school vision is: Learning for Life where everyone learns, is inspired, flourishes, and enjoys life in all its fullness; in a community of love, respect, hope, forgiveness, courage and thankfulness.

This vision is inspired by Jesus’ words from John 10:10, ‘I have come in order that you might have life—life in abundance.’

We believe that school should be a celebration of life; this precious gift that we have been given. Learning for life means learning that takes us into the most fulfilling life possible; the awe and wonder of learning about this incredible world, and the development of the character, knowledge, skills and understanding that will enable us all to continue to learn and to grow beyond our school. This is summarised in our four key vision words: Learn – Inspire – Flourish – Enjoy. 


Our core purpose is learning. Through excellent teaching and an inspirational curriculum, our vision is for every child to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding to be confident, independent, successful learners, ready for the next step in their education. We have high expectations for every pupil; our results are above national average and we are among the highest performing primary schools locally. 


Our pupils are actively encouraged to think, question and wonder about the world around them and the future that is yet to come. Teachers plan activities to stimulate awe, promote curiosity and motivate pupils’ thirst for knowledge and meaning in life. Pupils are inspired and in turn, inspire us.


Our vision is that all pupils flourish in a nurturing environment of love and respect for one another and the world. We are very proud of the quality of our pastoral care and support for children with special educational needs, so that every child is healthy, safe and well. Pupils learn to become excellent learners and kind, responsible citizens who behave exceptionally well. They relish a challenge and delight in discovering and developing new skills and abilities.


School is a time for excitement, laughter and joy. Our vision is for every member of our school community (pupils, families, and staff) to enjoy being part of Wantage CE Primary School. We know that children learn better when they are happy and are enjoying school. Our curriculum is full of opportunities for art, technology, music, dance, drama and sport. Trips and visits are an essential part of life at Wantage CE, and we love to create memories that we know will last a lifetime.

School Values

Our school values are: Love, Respect, Hope, Forgiveness, Courage and Thankfulness. These values are both Christian values and universal values which we have chosen to help us to create our church school ethos where everyone is welcome, valued and loved, and where we can all learn to treat each other in the way that we would like to be treated ourselves.



Wantage Church of England Primary School
OX12 8DJ


01235 762396
