OFSTED / SIAMS / Performance Data
Headline Figures for 2022 - 2023
Percentage of Year 6 pupils who achieved the expected standard in:
- Reading = 80%
- Writing = 80%
- Maths = 77%
- Reading, Writing and Maths (RWM) = 67%
Percentage of Year 6 pupils who achieved the higher standard in:
- Reading = 38%
- Writing = 15%
- Maths = 22%
Percentage of Year 1 pupils who passed the phonics check = 82%
Percentage of Year 2 pupils who achieved the expected standard in:
- Reading = 70%
- Writing = 63%
- Maths = 70%
Percentage of pupils achieving a good level of development (GLD) = 54%
Please find below our most recent Ofsted report and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables.
Link to the DfE School Performance Tables
Department for Education Performance data and KS2 results.
OFSTED School Inspection Report
- Inspection Report - July 2019
- Ofsted - Government website Links to our school's page.
SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools)
The school was inspected on the 10th November 2021, which resulted in a judgement of Good overall.
The inspector praised our school for being 'a community where everyone works together to achieve the best possible outcomes for the pupils.'
She also praised our school vision: 'The vision weaves through the engaging and inspiring curriculum which means pupils enjoy their learning.'
'Life in abundance' John 10:10
As a Church of England school, we are very proud of our distinctive Christian ethos.
We have close links with our local church and we are well supported by advisers from the Oxford Diocese Board of Education.
Our school vision, ‘Learning for Life’ where everyone learns, is inspired, flourishes, and enjoys life in all its fullness; in a community of love, respect, hope, forgiveness, courage and thankfulness.' is rooted in the Church of England's vision for education published in 2016. In it, the Church of England highlights five aspects of their vision for education which is 'deeply Christian, serving the common good':
- Abundant living: Hope
- Community: Relationships
- Inclusivity: Dignity
- Empowerment: Wisdom
- Service: Hospitality
We are a church school, not a faith school, which means that we welcome families of all faiths and those with no faith at all. Our school was established to serve the local community of Wantage.
Everyone who comes through our front door should experience love and respect; forgiveness when it is needed; courage to keep on going; and hope for the future.
I hope that every child, and whole family, will leave us in Year 6 having received a rich experience and understanding of Christianity through our ethos, the way that we treat each other every day, and through regular events throughout the year:
- Our Christian values
- Collective worship (assemblies)
- Open the Book Bible story assemblies led by members of the local church every Friday
- Annual prayer spaces in school
- Christmas Christingle service in church
- Year 5 Easter Passion Play in church
- Year 6 Leavers' service in church
If you would like to find out more about what it means to be a Church of England school, please do speak to any member of staff who will be happy to tell you about our ethos.