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Character Development

Pupil Leadership at Wantage CE Primary School

We run a number of successful programmes for pupils across the school to experience leadership opportunities.

Leadership in all its forms helps our pupils to learn more about being responsible, how to act as a role model to other pupils, how to serve one another and the school community, and how to work together as a team to listen to each other and to act to bring about change and to make things better for everyone.

We have over 50 pupils in Years 4-6 who become prefects. Anyone can become a prefect, and pupils earn Bronze, Silver and Gold leadership awards by completing faithful service across the school at lunchtimes.

Here are just some of the leadership opportunities at Wantage CE:

  • Art Ambassadors
  • Reading Ambassadors
  • Play Leaders
  • Eco-Council
  • KS1 Pupil Parliament
  • KS2 Pupil Parliament
  • Our school prefects
  • Leaders of collective worship

Vale Academy Trust Character and Citizenship Awards

The VAT Character and Citizenship Awards are a way of recognising everything that a pupil does at Wantage CE Primary School that contributes to developing their character and becoming a flourishing member of the community.

Through the Character and Citizenship Awards, all pupils are encouraged to engage with the full range of opportunities provided by the curriculum and our enrichment and leadership offers so that they leave as well-rounded individuals with the confidence, attitudes and values needed for their future roles in society.

These awards have been extensively planned and developed with all the VAT primary schools and are linked to the opportunities outlined in the Vale Academy Trust Promise. Link to VAT Promise

These awards have been designed with the following core principles at their heart:

  • All pupils will be involved and supported to succeed
  • The awards will support the personal development of all pupils
  • The awards will be promoted in schools to raise aspiration and recognition of success across the Trust
  • We will work in partnership with like-minded community organisations to make the awards highly prestigious

KS1 Bronze Award: pupils must complete 24 targets out of a total of 32 to gain their award, with at least 4 from each of the strands. They begin their awards journey in the summer term of Year 1.

KS2 Silver, Gold, Platinum Awards: pupils must complete a total of 20 targets out of a total of 24 with at least 4 per strand.

Pupils receiving their Character and Citizenship Awards 2023



Wantage Church of England Primary School
OX12 8DJ


01235 762396
