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Relationships and Sex Education

Our school is a member of the Vale Academy Trust (“the Trust”), and in common with all primary schools in the Trust we are committed to the academic, cultural, emotional and moral development of our pupils and to preparing them for the responsibilities and experiences of adolescence, and beyond into adult life. We believe that an important part of this development and preparation is the provision of age-appropriate Relationships and Sex Education (RSE).

In addition, as a Church of England school, we undertake to follow the principles in the Church of England Charter for faith sensitive and inclusive RSE and Health Education.

The specific aims of RSE at Wantage CE Primary School are to:

  • Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place
  • Help pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy
  • Teach pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies
  • At the appropriate age, help prepare pupils for puberty and give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene
  • Create a positive culture around issues of relationships and sexuality.

For more information, please read our Relationships and Sex Education Policy by following the link below.

At Wantage CE Primary School, Relationships and Sex Education is taught using the Jigsaw PSHE scheme of work. We chose this scheme of work because it takes a sensitive, thoughtful and ‘mindful’ approach to the topics covered by PSHE; giving children and their teachers the time and space to think and to discuss during each lesson. The scheme of work is published by the same people who produce the Religious Education scheme of work that we have used for a number of years, and teachers and children will be familiar with the structure and approach followed by both schemes of work.

If you would like more information about our PSHE scheme of work, and more detailed information about the scheme of work for Relationships and Sex Education, please follow the links below.


Wantage Church of England Primary School
OX12 8DJ


01235 762396
